Strength In Singleness


Waiting through your season of singleness. There can be a lot of wondering in the waiting. While you’re waiting, you are wondering why it’s you, why not you, and why you can’t be out of it already. We always want to rush out of the waiting. It’s hard to wait. And sometimes it’s hard to be single. With any season, you never know how long it’s going to last. For you, you may be recently single, soon to be single, or single for what feels like forever.

Let me give you three things I’ve learned in my season of singleness to help you in yours:

1. God’s love for you is not measured by your season of singleness.

2. There is always worth to the waiting.

3. Get a good group of people around you.

“being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” [Philippians 1:6]

God’s love for you is not measured by your season of singleness. This is a big truth you need to hear and understand. The length of time you spend single does not correlate to the amount of love God has for you. Being single isn’t a stamp of disapproval and it isn’t a sign God doesn’t love you. Those are lies we tend to believe. The truth is God loves us all. No matter what stage of life we are in, no matter our relationship status, the years we might be single, or how many friends we see getting in relationships before us, God loves us all the same. That’s a promise, God loves you. See we are the ones who put a negative view on being single but if we could only change our mindset, we could see there is worth and value to the waiting. Like the verse above says, what God has started in you He will bring to completion and we can be confident in that.

There is always worth in the waiting. When we’re single, we either want to hurry up and get into a relationship or we think we’ll never find someone. But sometimes just as we get content, just as we feel good about our season of singleness, God brings us someone. The reason that waiting is worth it is because there is worth or value to the time you have waiting. No matter if your time or season is 1 month, 5 months, or 5 years, it’s essential to use that time wisely. While you’re waiting, grow in your relationship with God. God is and always should be the center. The center of your life and the center of your relationship with someone else. Make the most of this season by getting close to God, discipline yourself to the basics of reading your Bible, praying, and living out the life God has for you. Use this time to understand the purpose of dating and the reason for marriage. Don’t just wish your way out of this time, there is worth in your waiting.

Have you ever heard that good things take time? My story is a testament to that. I was single for years. It’s hard being single. I had to learn to be content with it, learn to find the worth in the time, and to remind myself that it’s not a reflection of how much God loves me. Finally, I got content and actually didn’t mind being single. I had a good group of people around me, encouraging me and growing alongside me. You need that core group to help you in the hard times and to rejoice in the good times. And I was handing my future over to God and letting it be in His timing and not my own. After years of waiting, my season of singleness ended. It was in God’s most perfect timing that He brought me my now husband, Mason. And here’s a little hope for those of you who have been waiting a while, good things take time and it’s always worth the wait. Believe me on that. God will bring your person when the time is right and it’ll all make sense when He does. And whether we understand it or not, it’s His timing that is best. Everything happens in His timing for a reason. So don’t get discouraged, remember God loves you no matter your season of singleness and there’s worth to this wait.