What in the World?


Is it just me or does it feel like everywhere we go people are talking about how bad the world has become? Television, movies, and books are darker and more intense. Politics can be divisive and are not always about what is best for the country. Even the weather seems more extreme. What in the world is going on?  Who is to blame and how do we fix the laundry list of problems plaguing our country and world? Should we just throw up our hands and surrender to the panic inducing, ulcer producing anxieties the world has to offer?

I think there are two options. Option one is implementing sweeping social changes, arguing endlessly over the correct course of action, then worrying that we won't succeed. Let's face it. We've tried this way.  It doesn't work because it depends in flawed human logic and effort.

The other option is to follow God's "good, pleasing, and perfect will" (Romans 12:2) "using the power of Christ that is at work within us because He is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine" (Ephesians 3:20).

How do we follow God's plan and rid ourselves of the stresses and worries of the world? Philippians 4:6 reads, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God".

"Do not be anxious for anything, but in everything... " Everything? Yes, everything that keeps you up at night. Everything that causes that knot to form in your stomach.  If it matters to you, it matters to God.

"... by prayer and petition..." What's the difference? Prayer is simply talking to God. Petition is when you ask God for a specific request. So we can ask God for anything and He'll give it to us?  n Matthew 6:10 we read that our request must first align with and submit to the will of God, and since we know His will for us is perfect, isn't that what we really want?

"...with thanksgiving, present your request to God." God is the giver and sustainer of life. Above all else, God's desire for our lives is for us to believe that Jesus Christ came to save us from our sins. As a Christian, gratitude should be a daily part of our lives with God.  We should be so grateful that Jesus bore our punishment on the cross that we want to praise Him for eternity, and we will!

What is the result of believing in Jesus for salvation, submitting our requests to God in accordance to His will, and being thankful for His many blessings?  "... The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ."  (Philippians 4:7 NLT)

Written by Heather Moore