Help people follow Jesus.
Every single week, hundreds of team members serve with their time and talents to help people follow Jesus. Whether it's greeting our guests, caring for a baby, unloading a truck, or running lights, you can be an integral part of what God is doing at Better Life! There is no better feeling than knowing that God is using you to make an eternal difference in someone else's life!
Better Life Church has serving opportunities for every personality, skill set, and season. You can see all serving areas and the specific teams in each area below!
Team Win: If you love music, photography, or tech, Creative is for you. The Tech Team engages our senses at gatherings through audio, video, and lighting. Photographers help capture moments of worship through song and serving. The Worship Team is always looking for musicians and vocalists who love connecting to Jesus and others through song.
Biggest Needs: Camera Operators, ProPresenter, Musicians
Serving Areas:
- ProPresenter
- Lights
- Camera Operators
- Sound (Hand Selected Team Members)
- Photography
- Musicians
- Vocalist
Team Win: By helping someone take a next step on a Sunday, or leading a small group to learn to read their Bible’s daily, Discipleship exists to make disciples who make disciples. With the goal of helping people help people follow Jesus, we aim to assist others along their walk with Jesus.
Biggest Needs: Small Group Leaders
Serving Areas:
- Next Steps Area Team Member (Hand Selected Team Members)
- Online Host
- Small Group Leader
Team Win: Aim to welcome and serve guests. Whether it’s serving a hot cup of coffee, helping someone find a seat, or some other act of service, our goal is to help people connect to God and each other. Guest Services offers a wide variety of opportunities to serve before, during, and after all of our Sunday gatherings.
Biggest Needs: 11:30AM - Parking and Greeting, Breakfast
Serving Areas:
- Auditorium
- First-Time Guests
- Hospitality
- Parking and Greeting
- Breakfast
Team Win: To help kids experience Jesus on their level! You will have the opportunity to care for infants through 5th grade, showing them God’s love, engaging them in fun Bible activities, helping them learn and memorize God’s Word, and supporting them to take their own next steps to follow Jesus! As you help create a safe, fun, and age-appropriate environment for kids, you serve the whole church family as parents and adults engage in the worship service distraction-free!
Biggest Needs: Nursery - Infants (both services), Nursery - Toddlers (both services), Elementary 10:00am
Serving Areas:
- Nursery - Infants (6 weeks - 12 months)
- Nursery - 1 Year Olds
- Nursery - 2 Year Olds
- Preschool - 3 to 5 Year Olds
- Elementary - Kindergarten to 1st Grade
- Elementary 2nd - 5th Grade
- Hangout (Team Member kids who attend both services)
- Check-in
- KiDS Worship
Team Win: Provide peace of mind at any gathering by protecting our church family and keeping facilities secure. If you have an eye for detail, aren’t afraid to dive into adverse situations, and are passionate about seeing others meet Jesus, Safety could be for you.
Biggest Needs: Medical Background (e.g., Doctor, Nurse, EMT, CPR Trained, etc.)
Serving Areas:
- General Safety
- Youth Safety
- Tech Support
Team Win: To help students experience the love of Jesus and how they can live that in their everyday life. Serve students at a Youth night or help students grow in their understanding of God and His Word as a Group leader.
Biggest Needs: Production, Worship, Activities
Serving Areas:
- Check-In/Greeting
- First Time Guest
- Cafe
- Production
- Worship
- Activities (Games before service)
- Group Leader