Loving our Dads on Father’s Day



How can we show the dads in our life that they are loved this Father’s Day?  Did you know that not all people receive love the same way?  What if you were able to show him love in the way he receives it best?


Big Ideas

  1. How do you know which way each dad in your life receives love?

  2. What are some ideas to show the dads in your life love in his Love Language?

My command is this:  Love each other as I have loved you.

John 15:12

Most people tend to give love the way that they receive it.  It’s easier for me to “speak” in the way that I feel loved the most.  The reality is that the people around us tend to receive love in a different way than I speak it to them.  Translated:  If I’m speaking in English, someone who only speaks Russian is not going to understand what I’m saying.  Speaking love in different ways is just like speaking different languages.  Just as I prefer to receive love in the way that I feel loved, so do the dads in our life!  What if you could make this Father’s Day extra special by loving him in his own language.  

Maybe you’re thinking, “How do I even know what his Love Language is?”  The way someone gives love is usually the way they receive it.  Here are some examples: 

Words of Affirmation:  He says I love you all the time.  He speaks encouragement to you (and others) regularly.  He uses language to affirm you.  

Acts of Service: Instead of speaking his love, he finds ways (small and large) to show you rather than tell you.  Projects around the house, cooking dinner, running errands, any number of things that need to be done.

Receiving Gifts: He’s always showering people with gifts.  The cost of the gift is not important.  They can range from super simple to very expensive.  He does this on special occasions or spontaneously.  It’s the thought behind the gift that counts.  

Quality Time: He’s constantly giving you his time and attention.  The most important thing for him is to do things together.  

Physical Touch: He’s constantly wanting hugs, snuggles, holding hands, tender caresses. 

Now that you can probably figure out the Love Language of the dads in your life, let’s talk about ways that we can shower our dads with love in their own language this Father’s Day!  (If you didn’t figure it out from those descriptions, you can cheat and have him take the Love Languages Quiz here https://www.5lovelanguages.com/quizzes/ ).  We’re giving you a few ideas that you and your kids can do together to make this Father’s Day extra special for Dad!  Feel free to take these suggestions and tailor them to the dad in your life to ensure that he feels fully loved!

Words of Affirmation:  

  • Write a heart-felt card

  • Make a video about why he’s so special

  • Pray over him

Acts of Service

  • Do a chore for him that he normally does (mowing the lawn, taking out the trash)

  • Make him a meal

  • Fix a cup of coffee for him and serve it to him in bed

  • Clean out/wash his car

Receiving Gifts

  • Make or bring him a meal

  • Surprise him with a gift he wasn’t expecting (cost is not the key, it’s the thought)

  • Hand-make a gift for him

Quality Time

  • Plan an activity he enjoys: watching a movie, fishing, golfing, playing a game, camping, doing a project together, hiking

  • Spend some time just sitting and talking together

Physical Touch

  • Spend some time snuggling

  • Give him a back or foot rub

  • Hold his hand while you’re walking together

Share how your family is speaking love to Dad this Father’s Day by posting a pic and tagging #NoOrdinaryFamily.  Now that you know all about Love Languages, you can use them all the time to speak love to those around you!