Family Dinners



When families prioritize family dinners, they gain influence and insight into their kids’ lives that will lay a foundation of trust to win the right to be heard when hard conversations need to happen. 

Big Ideas

  1. Prioritizing Family Dinner. 

  2. Turn off Devices.

  3. Pray before you eat.

  4. Communicate.

So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

1 Corinthians 10:31 (NLT)

If I told you there was one simple thing you could do everyday to make a significant impact in the lives of your kids, would you do it?  I think every parent out there wants to make sure their kids grow up to be good humans.  And not just “good,” but world-changers and difference makers!  I truly believe that this one thing has the potential to help you reach the hearts of your kids as you gain influence and favor in their lives!  Are you ready for what it is?  It’s the family dinner. I’ve seen first-hand how powerful this one connection point can be in reaching the hearts of my kids.  Here’s how to leverage the power of the family dinner in your own family!

1 - Prioritize the family dinner.

It gets easy in the hustle and bustle of life to let kids eat in their rooms or in front of a device (or even in the back of the vehicle).  I’m guilty of all of these!  However, eating together around a table as a family can become the norm and expectation.  You can cook dinner for your kids, with your kids, or even grab some take-out to make the “family dinner” work for you.  You just need food, a table, and a set time to make it happen!

2 - Turn off devices

This may sound like a no-brainer, but if you want to have face time with your kids, everyone at the table needs to be device-free.  Don’t even bring your phone to the table.  You have to set the example in this and not be tempted to answer a quick text or take a work call.  If family dinner is going to be a priority, then make it one.  This quickly communicates to your kiddos that not only is eating dinner together important, but so is time spent with them.

3 - Pray before you eat

This is a great opportunity to have family prayer before you eat!  Ask your kids if there’s anything they need prayer for.  You’d be surprised what is on their hearts!  Take turns leading the prayer.  Help your kids understand that praying is just a conversation with God.  It’s not about the words they say, just tell God what’s on their heart and what needs they have!  Then, dig in!  As an added bonus, when you pray before eating, it helps kids develop patience as they wait for their food!

4 - Communicate

Now that you have your kids’ full attention, take advantage of the opportunity to connect.  How was their day?  What have they been up to?  What are they stressed about?  An easy way to get kids talking is to play a game.  Our two favorites are Highs & Lows and Highlights.  In Highs and Lows, they tell the best thing that happened and the worst thing that happened that day.  We take turns going around the table, listening to others and only speaking when each person is finished.  In Highlights, they get to tell three highlights from their day.  This one is fun because it’s easy to get focused on the negative, but this forces them to find the positive!  Another fun “talking game” is Would You Rather?  A quick search will yield you plenty of ideas!  For example, Would you rather eat pizza every day for the rest of your life or get to eat cereal for every meal?  You get the idea!

There are so many scientific studies that indicate the value of the Family Dinner for kids—better food choices, better manners, better grades, and improved stress levels, among many.  But at the very core, you are strengthening family bonds and making deposits into your kids’ lives so that when big things happen, you’ve built trust with them and they will be more likely to come and talk to you.  You’ve spent countless nights listening to the things that are important to them, which can earn you the right to be heard when it comes to having difficult conversations or helping them through troubled times.  Who knew such a simple concept could have such a profound impact? Why not start today?  Gather up your family, share a meal, and start the conversation. We’d love to see what your family dinners look like and how use it to connect with your kids. Post a pic and tag #NoOrdinaryFamily. I pray that this family activity will have a lasting impact on the health of your family!