Serving as a Family



We hear it all the time, Jesus came not to be served but to serve. What does this look like in a family, and what are some of the benefits from serving together? The hardest part is getting started but this article can help with that!

Big Ideas

  1. What is the importance of serving?

  2. Why should we serve?

  3. How can we serve?

For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.

Mark 10:45 (ESV)

A family that serves together… stays together? That sounded much better in my head… But I do believe there's some truth to that statement. When I think of a family that is fully on mission with Jesus Christ, I think of one that is actively living a lifestyle of service to each other and to those around them. We, as a family, are called to live in the image of Christ. One verse that sticks out heavily to me is Mark 10:45, which says; “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.” 

We all live in a time where our main focus has become ourselves and providing for our own families. However, as a Christian, we are supposed to look different. We are called to love our neighbors and put them before ourselves. This is loving like Jesus. One of the easiest and most practical ways to teach your family how to “love like Jesus” is to put other people first. That was Jesus’ whole heart behind why He did what He did. It was for us, not Himself. 

Benefits of Serving as a Family

Serving creates opportunities for connection and talking. We live in a time and age where families will be in the same room and still be isolated by digital devices. There is something satisfying about working together and you will be able to talk, laugh and even problem solve together in a way that can strengthen and deepen relationships. 

Serving fosters teamwork. Most things go so much smoother when there is teamwork. Serving will take teamwork off of the baseball field and into family life. Working as a team on something will reinforce your family's ability to work as a team at home. 

Serving takes the focus off of yourself and promotes selflessness. It is in our human nature to just be concerned about ourselves, but we know Jesus came to serve others, and we are to continue to live out that example. When we begin to serve as a family it will promote this selflessness to our spouses and children in a way that will benefit communication and relationships with each other.

Serving is an antidote to hopelessness. We are surrounded by negativity and visions of war, famine, disease and worries. The media and social media are constantly repeating the tragedy of the day and it is so easy to foster a feeling of hopelessness and depression in the whole family. However when we are trying to right wrongs and be a source of positivity to our communities health we then shine Christ’s light in the world and love on others and this gives us a reason to feel more optimistic. 

Serving is a privilege. It’s a privilege to serve God through helping others. We need to actively seek ways to help people and contribute to our communities. Most of us are in a position to be a blessing either with our finances or our time. It creates in us a grateful heart to serve others with our means because of how Christ has blessed us. 

Serving helps us find our calling. We know that when we serve it isn’t about us, but maybe it goes deeper than that. Maybe while your family is serving, your children are finding something they are passionate about that lines up with their gifts. Often Children are limited or released by the opportunities their families choose to take on. Therefore, maybe there’s something God has placed inside your child that He is saying for you to accept an assignment so their passion and gift can be discovered and be a blessing to others. 

Where Do We Start?

It just takes a step! A lot of us are willing and ready to jump into serving but we just aren’t sure where to start. There are so many opportunities to serve in our own community now. Here are some examples of ways you and your family can start serving this week:

  • Donating supplies and food to organizations in our community

  • Making cards for children and elderly people in hospitals and nursing homes

  • Serving and preparing meals for the hungry

  • Getting outside and cleaning up parks or trails

  • Sorting food or supplies at food banks

  • Serving on Sunday morning at your local church

  • Think outside the box and make it fun!

My challenge for you and your family is to start small this week! Make this a new family habit. This is one Next Step for your family that can draw your whole family together and closer to Jesus. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and love on your neighbors! 

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