You are not alone

Discover practical steps toward freedom from the common struggle of Anxiety


God wants peace for you

Circumstances in life sometimes cause us to feel anxious or depressed. But God is stronger than any difficulty we face, and He will help us through it all. God loves you! Jesus died for you. He has risen and wants to give you a life of freedom. Hold on to those facts. When you feel overwhelmed, first pray and seek the Lord. The Bible says to “cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7). God loves you and will help you. He knows your heart and will bring clarity to your confusion.


God gives us medical remedies for biological anxiety and spiritual tools for circumstantial anxiety. Use the button below to connect with someone on our Care Team, or keep reading to learn about the peace God wants for everyone who suffers from anxiety.


 What the Bible Says about Stress, Worry & Anxiety

The Apostle Paul, a man who endured unbelievable persecution for his faith, wrote the following words while locked in a prison cell:

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. -Philippians 4:6-7

At first glance of this passage, you may ask “Am I supposed to pretend I’m ok and ignore my anxiety?” But the advice we find from Paul here is far from pretending or ignoring. It instead encourages action. Click below to read more.

Scripture About Anxiety

God doesn’t just tell us not to worry; He tells us exactly why we shouldn't! The best Bible verses about worry aren’t about worry at all. Instead, they focus in on what will protect you from the very thing you’re afraid of.

31 Bible Verses About Worry So You Can Fear Not Every Day of the Month

  1. God will fight for you, Deuteronomy 1:29-30. How cool is that?
  1. God Himself will fight for you, Deuteronomy 3:22. Wait, He’s not just sending an angel or something? God Himself? Okay, we should be all right, then.
  1. God will be with you, Deuteronomy 20:1-4. Right there. With you. In the middle of the battle against fear and whatever it is you’re afraid of or worried about. You’re not alone. Ever.
  1. God goes with you; He won’t leave you, Deuteronomy 31:6. If you’re going somewhere, He’ll be there. He’s not leaving your side.
  1. God goes before you; He won’t forsake you, Deuteronomy 31:8. Actually, before you even get where you’re going, He’ll be there ahead of you. He’s preparing the way for you as you trust Him.
  1. God’s side is stronger than the other side, 2 Kings 6:16. So if you’re on His side, you’re in good shape. If you’re not on His side yet, you can get on His side right this moment, for the simple asking, in humble surrender. Just tell Him you want to be, and ask Him what’s next.
  1. The battle is God’s, not yours, 2 Chronicles 20:15. So why are you sweating it? He’s got this. Ask Him to take it over. Give Him permission to be in charge of your problem that’s causing you worry or fear. Why not your whole life, while you’re at it?
  1. God will deliver you, 2 Chronicles 20:17. He asked His people just to take up their positions, stand firm, and see what He would do for them!
  1. God will sustain you, Psalm 3:4-6. Even when the fight seems to have impossibly unfair odds. Even while you’re sleeping and not able to do anything about it.
  1. God will comfort and protect you, Psalm 23:4. Like a shepherd caring for his sheep, God’s there to care and look out for us.
  1. God is your light and fortress, Psalm 27:1-3. So you won’t be left in the dark, and you have a safe place to hide out.
  1. God is a refuge who answers, Psalm 34:4-8. Not only is it a blessing to take refuge in God, but He answers us when we call to Him. Taste and see how good that is!
  1. God is your strength, Psalm 46:1-3. Even though really bad and scary things may happen, God will strengthen you to be able to face them with Him. And unlike ours, His strength doesn’t run out!
  1. God will rescue and ransom you, Psalm 55:16-18. That’s how much He loves you. He didn’t even stop short of sending His Son as a ransom for you. Surely He’s worth trusting with everything here on Earth, since He has secured eternity for you.
  1. God is greater than people, Psalm 56:3-4. So we don’t need to fear people, when we’re trusting in God.
  1. God is your helper who sets you free, Psalm 118:5-8. You can’t find a better helper than God. If God is for us, setting us free from worry and fear, there’s no one and nothing we need to be afraid of.
  1. God is your song, Isaiah 12:2. Wouldn’t you rather be singing than fretting? Isn’t it a beautiful thing when a trusting song comes out of your mouth instead of a worried complaint?
  1. God will come to save you, Isaiah 35:3-4. This is real encouragement. We’re talking about the God who made the whole universe, including you. He’s coming to save you. You can put your life in His hands.
  1. God will hold you up, Isaiah 41:10. Do you know how strong God’s hands are? If He’s holding you up, you’re set.
  1. God will hold your hand, Isaiah 41:13. Place your hand in His big, capable hand and keep it there.
  1. God is your redeemer, Isaiah 43:1. God has bought us for Himself, with the blood of Jesus. We’re His, if we accept that offer. We don’t need to fear the enemy of our souls, because we don’t belong to him anymore. We’re redeemed!
  1. God will take up your case, Lamentations 3:57-58. Could there be any more impressive advocate than the Creator of the universe? He’s eager to take up your case as soon as you ask!
  1. God is mighty and delights in you, Zephaniah 3:16-17. What an amazing combination, a powerful warrior who takes great interest and delight in you. Sounds like the makings for a great movie, doesn’t it? Only it’s real life! He really does rejoice over you. Try focusing on that for a few minutes! It sure changes my outlook on life.
  1. God has authority over everything, Matthew 8:25-27. What would it matter if God cared a lot about us, but couldn’t do anything about it? Thankfully, He actually can do anything! He can calmly tell a storm to stop, and it just will. So I want to trust His timing on the storms in my life.
  1. God values you, Matthew 10:29-31. Likewise, what would it matter if God had all the power, but didn’t care about us? But hurray, He knows all about us and cares for us deeply, because He made us expressly to be in relationship with Him.
  1. Jesus is. (Period.) Matthew 14:27. Just the fact that Jesus is real, that He is with us, is enough to silence fears. If we get to know His voice, it becomes a comfort just to listen to Him speak.
  1. Think of who Jesus is, Mark 4:40-41. What a good question the disciples asked, wondering who Jesus was. Who is this? Think about what you know about Jesus. Is He adequate for your problems? Is He up for the challenge you are facing? Is it too big for Him? This is the Creator and Lord of all, and the One who willingly went to the cross for you, then defeated death on your behalf. He can handle anything.
  1. Take Jesus at His word, Mark 5:36. Why not be afraid and worried? Because Jesus said we don’t need to be. Do we believe Him?
  1. God has joy in store for you, Luke 2:9-11. God has good news of great joy. For all the people. Yes, that means you. Would you rather focus on fear or joy?
  1. God is offering you deep peace, John 14:27. Jesus tells us to take charge of our hearts and not let them be troubled, but rather to set our minds on His peace that He offers us as a gift.
  1. Just go to your Father, Romans 8:15. When little kids are afraid, they run to a trusted parent for security. That’s what God is inviting us to do, to run to Him with everything we’re tempted to worry about or be afraid of, tell Him all about it, and trust Him to take care of us.

Peace through prayer

Prayer changes things. We pray because we know God can change our circumstances, but also because it changes our perspective. In Paul’s words: the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Living under constant stress is simply not God’s will for your life. Instead, spend time honestly admitting your fears to Him and ask Him to act in a spirit of thanksgiving. By choosing prayer over panic, you are taking a path toward peace that fosters:

  • A Calm Heart as we sense God’s loving care.

  • A Clear Mind as we remember that God is much bigger than our circumstances